I (don’t) love wires, but they are my default choice

Fabricio Buzeto
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2022


I‘m not too fond of cables; they tangle, clutter the space, break, and get in the way. But do you know what I like even less? Recharging batteries, wondering if the connection is the issue. With cables, you do not need to wonder; whether it’s working.

I know, wires are cumbersome. If you have a bunch of them, they tend o end up hard to manage. As much as you try, in the end, it’ll always end up in a big messy, tangled ball. Packed in a mess of knots you can hardly ever want to touch. Adding or removing a single wire ends up feeling very costly.

But if you leave your cable alone, especially out of sight, you probably won’t have anything to worry about. Every day the result is predictable, transparent, and straightforward.

But if you have a wireless device, you have to take precautions. Is the battery enough? Should I charge now? Is the connection ok? Can you hear me? A wireless device requires you to trust that two components have to be constantly working: the Battery and Wireless Connection. And both tend to fail me in the most random moments.

Why am I talking about this? The world has gone wireless, and I’m just a dinosaur here advocating for “make cables great again”?. Going wireless is a no-return route: Laptops, cellphones, smartwatches, headphones, mouses, keyboards, you name it. So why have I not switched to this beautiful world without wires? Why keep living in a room filled with these “electric snakes” that are so cumbersome? One word: **reliability**. Sometimes, I don’t want to worry, I just want it to work, and that’s key.

I’m not saying I’m entirely off the cables. But each context is a different device. I use a cellphone, the battery lasts for a whole day of use, and a smartwatch I have to charge once every ten days. That’s pretty reliable. I even use wireless headphones for music and podcast (when the fact that the battery is going off is not trouble). But my PC is plugged into the wall socket all day; my mic, mouse, keyboard, and headphones are all wired. I don’t want them to fail me when I need them the most.


